Tuesday, July 14, 2009

the boy

zane sandy 18 mo
zane in sand 18 mo

zane sunset profile 18 mo

We are back on the island and my baby isn't a baby anymore! He misses all his cousins, aunts, uncles and grandparents but he's happy to be back at the beach :) Mommy's happy his curls are back! He's my little buddy and suddenly talking up a storm. He always wants to help mommy and daddy with the gardening, cooking, fixing, cleaning! He's such a little boy and I LOVE that he's getting a little brother to play with in December :)

1 comment:

Maria said...

Wow...he has grown so much in the past two months. I can really see how much he has changed. I really like the pic of him with the sunset on the background. Lexi, you are so good!